Well – it’s that time again ….. time to start watching the calories/points trying to reign in the numbers on the scale. While I am very fortunate in many many ways – watching my weight is not one of them. My weight is constantly fluctuating. In the last 10 months I have gained about 15 pounds. Yes, the clothes are tighter (or don’t fit) and I refuse to buy new larger ones! Many of you can relate to what I’m saying. I wish I was one of those people who never had to watch what they ate but unfortunately I’m not, so let the weight loss begin. It is not an easy task to lose weight, but once I set my mind to it I am usually successful at it. Everyone knows the only way to lose weight is thru proper diet and exercise. I have had the most luck following the Weight Watchers plan. It allows you to eat anything you want, in moderation of course. It is difficult, however, because you need to plan your meals and go shopping a lot to make sure you have the right foods in the house. Weight watchers, coupled with the Fit Bit I wear should help get me back into my clothes comfortably. I know it won’t be quick, but I know the rewards will be worth it. The hardest part for me is getting started … which I did last Friday. If you struggle with your weight, know you are not alone and join me at a Weight Watchers meeting!