How many of you made a resolution to “clean up” your email box? This was one of my resolutions last year and I must tell you – it works! If your email box has gotten out of control you need to whip it back into shape by unsubscribing to any email that you get from a company you do not buy from. Once you buy something online you often agree to have your email address shared. No, you didn’t agree to this? Well believe me, somewhere along the way you did. Here’s how you fix it. Every day you should pick 3 emails that you no longer want to receive and you should go into the email, usually at the bottom, and click the “unsubscribe” button. This will take anywhere from 10 – 30 seconds to do for each email. Eventually those companies will remove you from their distribution list and you’ll stop receiving their emails. It won’t seem like you are making much progress at first but after a few weeks you’ll see a noticeable difference. Remember – unsubscribe to just 3 emails a day …… you’ll save time in the future and your mailbox will be manageable again! After a month, send me an email and tell me how it’s worked for you.